Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Listen To Your Body When You Have To Go Potty: The Potty Edition

Potty Training….

When I first tried potty training my baby girl at 19 months. I was excited! I got all the stuff for it: cute panties, I let her pick out her toilet (which was the princess toilet seat), treats, drinks, and lots and lots of excitement! But.. then we tried.. there was screaming.. lots and lots and lots of SCREAMING.
She did not like it and wanted nothing to do it.
Every time I even tried to put her next to the toilet, she screamed
Every time she had an accident, she screamed.
To say the least.. it was awful. So we took a break.

We tried again right after she turned 2. It went a little better, but she was still not ready.

4 months later

We tried again.. I didn't plan on it, we already had everything we needed, so when she woke up with a dry diaper.. I stuck her on this cute ladybug potty that we had bought a month or so before. 
She went! Hallelujah! No screaming! A little scared, but she did amazing! 

(I got our cute ladybug potty chair here, or you might be able to get it on Amazon, but last time I checked, they were out of stock.)

What we did to continue this progress:

-We drank lots! (juice, water, milk)
-We watched movies and read books and tried to stay in one general area for most of the day.
-We stayed home for 5 days straight (which was pretty hard since I started training her without planning for it.. We were going to go camping that weekend and had some other plans :(  BUT SHE WAS FINALLY GETTING IT, so we just went with it.)
-Excitement when she went on the potty
-Uh oh song when she had an accident
-1st day she got 2-3 gummies from a fruit snack pack for going pee in the potty
-2nd day and 3rd day she got one smartie from a smartie pack when she went pee in the potty
-After the 3rd day, she didn't get any more treats for going pee in the potty. We just continued to be positive and excited.

Going poop in the toilet, was a bit more difficult. We had accidents for the first 3 days and then she went in the toilet! YAY! After that she had 2 more accidents and since then, she seems to be getting it. YES! And she's really good about telling me that she needs to go poop.YES. Hallelujah. Did I say HALLELUJAH?

When she goes poop in the toilet
-She gets one treat
-PATIENCE- she sits on the toilet for 15 minutes or so and reads. Her favorite is an Elmo: Look and Find book for toddlers. It's the shiz. Only thing that sucks about it is that its half her size...

Graco Sure Foot Step Stool This is great, she loves it.

We had a run around in our underwear kind of day!

Potty training was and is hard. You just have to stick with it!
I pretty much needed a support system.. ;)

Know your child, if he/she is not ready, consider waiting

My little one needed some more time and it worked in our favor to wait.

I can say now say that she is pretty much potty trained.
I mean... we went out last night and she went potty 4 times.. and I think 2 of them were just for fun.. because public bathrooms are so much fun! 

I would love to hear your comments or questions on potty training!

Stay fit, stay healthy, stay strong!
Xoxo Katie

If you would like me to answer any questions or want me to be your coach, contact me at http://www.beachbodycoach.com/KATIEDEBRINE

I update a lot more on instagram, so you can follow me there or you can add me on Facebook.
Follow me on instragram! @katelyndebrine

Most Random Post in the History

Well, it has been ages since I wrote my last blog.

Life has been busy, but how can it not be busy with a 2 year old and an almost 9 month old, right? Seriously. It doesn't matter how many things I have planned or not planned.. I feel like I'm always running circles trying to keep up with these two! 
At bedtime, I'm always so excited that it's bedtime! Yes! And then like an hour or so later.. I'm missing them majorly. ESPECIALLY if whatever I'm watching has little ones in it. 

Kris, is also busy with work and getting school stuff done. (It's been crazy craze) 

I'm so excited for the holidays. YES, holidays. And I love FALL! Who doesn't?!?! Ahhh. The smells, the clothes, the cooler weather, the leaves, pumpkin everything, apple cider (yes!), and so many other things. I could seriously go on forever.

My last few posts have been about health and fitness and though that is still very much apart of my life, I have so many other things and people going on in my life. Life has so many things to be proud of, worried for, and to be just happy about. That's what my posts will be focused on. Obviously being healthy and fit is still a priority because they're things that can very much make me proud, worried, and just plain happy. Here's to documenting about things/people that are important to me.

This is such a random post. So sorry. I have lots on my mind. If you made it through this post, honestly, congratulations. You are amazing.

Stay fit, stay healthy, stay strong!
Xoxo Katie

If you would like me to answer any questions or want me to be your coach, contact me at http://www.beachbodycoach.com/KATIEDEBRINE

I update a lot more on instagram, so you can follow me there or you can add me on Facebook.
Follow me on instragram! @katelyndebrine

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Change is HARD

Change is seriously so hard! 

(-Samuel Johnson)

Going from not working out AT ALL to working out everyday...it's DEFINITELY kicking me in the BUTT! I started working out for 30 minutes a day using the 21 day fix program and since I have started, I have been sore EVERYDAY, but in a GOOD way :)
My body letting me know it's sore shows me that I am working hard and making a difference!

You know those days you don't want to work out, but you know you totally should... The first 2 days, that was me to a T. I started rethinking this whole "get in shape" idea, but then I started really thinking how AWESOME it would be to feel STRONG again. I do WANT this even when I think I don't.

(Yay! I had just finished my first workout!)

Not only is working out hard, but eating clean and healthy, in my opinion, is harder. There are commercials, adds, people eating the disgusting, yummy food all around you! For me, I started rationalizing that I should go eat something yummy... "You should eat that yummy sundae.. or that bag of chips.. or that whole loaf of bread..."

But you know what! With portion control, we can actually eat a little of the bad stuff. We just have to learn self control...which is hard! BUT WE CAN DO IT! (Which is why I love the 21 day fix program which helps train your body with portion sizes.) What's even harder about eating healthier is sticking with it! I've been clean eating for 4 days now and today has been sooo soooo sooooooooooo much easier than the last 3 days. I'm so glad that I didn't cave in to my desires, but instead drank a shakeology shake everyday to help quench my cravings.  Day 1 and day 2 were the hardest for sure. Today, day 4, I haven't even been tempted and I have been fuller with all my smaller, more frequent portions.  I've heard that it takes a few days to cleanse your body of the cravings and junk and I would have to agree.
(Soo good!)

You know what can help with cravings and having more energy? SHAKEOLOGY. It's crazy how many nutrients we get out of such a delicious shake. I was skeptical about it before I started drinking it, but holy cow. I LOVE IT! It's so good and on the awesome side, it's healthy too! It has fiber and probiotics in it which helps you to be regular and helps get rid of toxins that are built up in your digestive system which makes it easier for you to absorb nutrients! WHOO-HOO, lol. But really, it is so important for you to be "regular".

I was scared to start such a strict diet for 21 days because I am nursing and I didn't want to lose all my milk while getting in shape and trying to eat clean, but for me it has actually done the opposite. I have more milk! I know that doesn't happen for everyone, but for me it has actually helped increase my milk supply. I guess the first day, my milk seemed to be depleting so I started to panic, but by the next morning I had so much more then I had any other mornings. YAY! And since then, throughout the day, my milk has been just fine. (Of course you never want to risk your milk supply or your health, so always make sure you are taking care of YOU). 

Anyways, this is kind of where I am right now! Trying to keep going strong while taking care of my little ones. 
Just always remember if you are trying to get in shape and  change your eating habits.. IT'S HARD, but it doesn't mean that you can't do it! The mind does amazing things to either make or break us, we just have to keep fighting for what we truly want! :)

Stay fit, stay healthy, stay strong!
Xoxo Katie

If you would like me to answer any questions or want me to be your coach, contact me at http://www.beachbodycoach.com/KATIEDEBRINE

I update a lot more on instagram, so you can follow me there or you can add me on Facebook.
Follow me on instragram! @katelyndebrine

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Proud Moments

First off, the last month was insanely BUSY! My parents were in town, my brother-in-law came home from a two year church mission, we had a homecoming and a baby blessing on the SAME day, AND my husband graduated from school! 

 I just wanted to talk about how amazing my hubby, Kris is. He has been in school for what seems like for-everrrr. He had been going to school full time while working 40+ hours a week, and he was trying to be involved with the family while also having to deal with homework.

It was nuts and I have to admit I wasn't always patient... BUT seeing him walk at his graduation was amazing and just made me feel SO proud of him and his accomplishments. He still has a lot more schooling to go, but he has a DEGREE and no one can take that from him. 
Yay, Kris! Love you!

 The only photo we got with all four of us! Cosette and Claire weren't being very picture friendly...

Kris and his parents.

 Kris and our brother-in-law, Reese, who also graduated! Go Reese!

 Group photo with the fam!

These next pictures are from Cosette's baby blessing that was a couple of weeks ago. She is just the CUTEST, don't you think?! :)

Big sister, Claire, with little sister, Cosette.

Last, but not least. I am starting my journey tomorrow with CHANGING my diet, making sure to workout, and being mentally POSITIVE. I am nervous, but SO excited. I will blog my experience with how awesome I'm doing and how hard change can be! Wish me luck.

Sorry for how random this blog entry was, kind of describes how my last month went!

Stay fit, stay healthy, stay strong!
Xoxo Katie

If you would like me to answer any questions or want me to be your coach, contact me at http://www.beachbodycoach.com/KATIEDEBRINE

I update a lot more on instagram, so you can follow me there or you can add me on Facebook.
Follow me on instragram! @katelyndebrine

Monday, April 27, 2015

New Beginnings

I'm a wife and a mother of the 2 CUTEST little girls.
But since having these little cuties, I have stopped working out altogether and my eating habits... well, they're not good! I am now on a new journey for better things.

I have always loved health and fitness and I am now working on becoming a healthier version of me!

How do you ask? :)

I'm now a coach for team beachbody!

I will be working out AT LEAST 5 days a week with smaller portions of food throughout the day starting May 4th. I will also be drinking shakeology each day.

I love TEAM beachbody. I first became interested in beachbody when I decided that I wanted to find something that I could do at home with my girls, but that would still kick me in the bum to get in better shape (because come on, have you seen snip-its of what the workouts are like?! They are INTENSE).  What really pushed me to just DO IT was seeing all the support that came with the program. There are people constantly ENCOURAGING you to keep going. Even when someone had a rough day or week, there were MULTIPLE people, not just a personal coach, who kept encouraging them. I loved it and knew that this program was for me.
I'm excited for this opportunity because I am passionate on changing my lifestyle for the better. I want to help others feel inspired to become the best that they can be, because everyone CAN do it!

I can't wait to see the results that I will get working with this program and the AMAZING people in it.

Stay fit, stay healthy, stay strong!
Xoxo Katie

If you would like me to answer any questions or want me to be your coach, contact me at http://www.beachbodycoach.com/KATIEDEBRINE

I update a lot more on instagram, so you can follow me there.
Follow me on instragram! @katelyndebrine